Lena Mamidakis

CSE trainer, Head of Strategic Development


Lena Mamidaki is the Head of Strategic Development at CSE and an experienced trainer on Sustainability and ESG. She has studied Business Administration (B.Sc. in Business Administration) at Boston University in the U.S.A and has obtained a Master’s degree in International and European Relations (M.A. in European Studies) from the University of Reading in the U.K. She has worked in VITOM S.A. from 1991 to 1995 as a Marketing and Exports Assistant.


In 1995 she became the Marketing and Communications Director of MAMIDOIL JETOIL S.A. and in 2007 she was also appointed CSR Director of the same company. Lena has attended various seminars on CSR issues, GRI, Risk Assessment, SROI and since 2009 is a CMI Certified Practitioner. She is a member of the B.o.D of the Corporate Responsibility Institute since May 2013 and has served on various B.o.D’s in the past, as well as being a member of the General Council of SEV (Hellenic Federation of Enterprises) from 2010 to 2016.

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