Open Sustainability Roundtable: “Measuring & Addressing Environmental Impacts throughout the Entire Life Cycle and Supply Chain”

May 20, 2010

As Sustainability integrates further into an organization’s core, key questions are now being asked to the suppliers that make up its value chain. The benefits of achieving Sustainability in a company’s supply chain include reduced risks, enhanced efficiencies, and greater shareholder return. However, to achieve these benefits, a dynamic and robust system must be in place first. Buyer internal alignment, empowerment of workers, and supplier ownership of sustainability principles are all topics for discussion during the June 17th Sustainability Roundtable Event, hosted on day one of CSE’s Accredited Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Workshop in San Francisco. CA.

The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence and TerraPass are proud to host “Measuring & Addressing Environmental Impacts throughout the Entire Life Cycle and Supply Chain”. The open roundtable event will be hosted with no fee, on June 17th at 5:30 pm. All interested professionals must RSVP at [email protected]. This Roundtable event will be hosted on June 17th, day one of CSE’s accredited training workshop on Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility.

Accredited Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Workshop
A globally unique course for becoming a Qualified Sustainability / CSR Practitioner

The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) is launching its 3rd North American Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Certification Workshop on June 17 – 18, in San Francisco, CA, USA. The workshop is a unique 2-day intensive program for all professionals responsible for the management of Sustainability, to acquire the skills and competencies required to become Qualified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioners. The workshop will be hosted by world-renowned sustainability pioneers and experts and is recognized by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA).

The accredited Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Workshop is designed for professionals within the following fields: General Management, Environmental Services, Public Relations, Human Resources, Marketing and Communications. Participants will gain an advanced understanding of Sustainability (CSR), acquire appropriate skills and knowledge leading to added value and authenticity to their organizations, and earn an internationally recognized business qualification.

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