3rd CSR Practitioner Training and Certification in Dubai

November 20, 2010

Revisiting the boundaries of corporate social responsibility, we come across immense changes that have occurred over the past years. An organization is no longer solely responsible to shareholders, but also to a vast network of stakeholders. Recognition of this binding relationship is a statement of commitment to Social Responsibility and Sustainability through solid strategic priorities.

The UAE is increasingly carrying out large scale sustainability Strategies & writing high level Sustainability Reports, many of which are achieving GRI level ‘A and ‘B status. The importance of understanding Sustainability, regional challenges and trends, emerging methodologies and standards are key factors for succeeding the right balance between organizational demands for CSR, professional know-how and innovative applications.

Positioning an organization effectively in the CSR community is seen as a priority in the private sector and consultancies among general and environmental managers (Sustainability Advisory Group, 2010). Yet, there are countless professionals in communications, supply chain, human resources and business development who are faced with the challenge of integrating social, economic, and environmental sustainability within their strategic and operational frameworks. Achieving long-term stakeholder value, transparency and return on Sustainability (ROS) requires the participation of leaders across an organization.

CSE is committed to developing CSR Practitioners across professional fields both in the public and private sector and is scheduled to deliver a Certified CSR Practitioner Workshop in Dubai between the 19th and 20th of January 2011, marking its third successive year of presence in the UAE. The workshop will cover: Sustainability, CSR & Sustainable Development Concepts, Trends & Legislation for CSR & Climate Change, Stakeholder Mapping, the Creation of CSR Strategy & Carbon Footprint Strategy, Global Standards for Reporting (GRI) and Green and Cause Related Marketing.

At present, more than 150 CSR Practitioners from 5 continents and over 21 countries are making a substantial difference in implementing sustainability to enhance financial and non-financial performances of organizations – World Business for Sustainable Development, Lloyds Banking Group, Dubai Centre for Corporate Values, World Business for Sustainable Development, Dubai Customs, Dubai World Trade Centre, Qatar Airways, Zain, Oracle, Dubai Electricity & Water Authority, Bank Muscat, Parsons, Aldar Properties and Mercedes Benz.

CSE holds a competitive advantage in leading change and driving sustainable development since 2008 with unique and advanced services. As part of these services, Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Workshops have gradually received global popularity and act as a stepping-stone for organizations that aspire to progressively implement sustainability into their core operations.

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