Is the CSR profession the job of the future?
The Centre for Sustainability & Excellence always believed so and during the last few years, this belief has turned into reality as thousands of companies are hiring Sustainability and CSR professionals with specialized education. Research from various sources has shown that since the introduction of the term of sustainable development in the late 1980s, there […]
CSE celebrates 10 years of making a global impact in Sustainability and CSR!
CSE celebrates 10 years of global Leadership in Professional Education and Specialized Advisory services for Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility! In these 10 years, the CSE has created a new sector and thousands of new companies and jobs in the field! As the story goes, the CSE has provided accredited training programs to more than 5,000 […]
Sustainability Reporting Trends in North America
Which are the Sectors widely Reporting and what are the Guidelines mostly used The latest CSE research focuses on the sustainability reporting trends of companies and organizations in North America, on the use of specific reporting standards and guidelines, and on the external assurance practices mostly followed. This research was conducted by analyzing more than […]
CSE partner myclimate recognized by UN Secreatery Ba Ki-Moon for its carbon reductions projects
myclimate projects will receive honours at this year’s Climate Summit in Paris. The United Nations Climate Secretariat will be recognising them as “Global Lighthouse Activities” with the Momentum for Change Award. During the summit, the project “Solar Energy for Education and Telephony” will be receiving the sought-after award directly from UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon. […]
Nikos Avlonas, CSE President coordinated the first series of round-table panel discussion on Corporate Sustainability in DePaul University (Chicago)
DePaul University’s Department of Management organized, on November 11th 2015, the first in a series of round-table discussions on Corporate Sustainability. In this event sustainability professionals, students and faculty members shared and discussed ideas, challenges and best practices. Speakers from leading Chicago companies, including Pepsico, ITW, Grainger and Windfree, shared their success stories. The event […]
CSE celebrates 6 years of Executive Sustainability Education in North America
CSE celebrates 6 years of Executive Sustainability Education in North America. In these 6 years more than 800 executives from leading organizations including NASA, Coca Cola, Walmart, Timberland, Cigna were certified as sustainability professionals. Additionally, professionals from 3 continents, North America, Europe & Middle East, joined our latest global event in NYC in order to […]
Environmental Awards 2014
Sustainability: Getting Down to Business
Interview with Nikos Avlonas September 26, 2014 • Climate Change & Society, CULTURE & LIFESTYLE, EMERGING TRENDS, Europe, SPECIAL FEATURES As the Millennium Development Goals near their 2015 deadline, the role that the private sector must play in driving a global sustainability agenda is becoming clearer than ever. Nikos Avlonas, founder and President of the […]
2014 CSE Research on Sustainability Reporting in Middle East Region
Mapping the current situation in Middle East regarding the use of GRI, External Assurance and Strategies. The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) recently conducted a research to observe the emerging trends for the publication of sustainability reports and external assurance in the Middle East region. To examine the statistical results, CSE processed data retrieved […]
CSE is now present in Sustainable Business Magazine!
We have recently partnered with Sustainable Business Media in order to help spread awareness of Sustainability issues and current CSR affairs through our global IEMA certified trainings. Read our CEO’s editorial here for an in-depth overview of the market conditions and what organisations should focus on when integrating CSR into their long-term strategy and vision. Sustainable Business […]