
CSE Supports the Anti-Corruption Asia Summit

The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) is proud to support the Anti-Corruption Asia Summit, which is going to be held at the Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, on the 22 -24 January 2008. This is the first anti-corruption conference aimed at in-house lawyers, accountants and internal auditors to help them comply with anti-bribery laws both […]

Anderson Development’s Inaugural Sustainability Report by CSE Highlights a Mission of Sustainability

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Anderson Development Company, a specialty chemical manufacturer in North America, undertook its inaugural Sustainability Report.  The company consulted with the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE).    First reports can be daunting.  Anderson’s sustainability team and their effort demonstrate a deep commitment to sustainability.  Anderson undertook its first report, adopting the demanding GRI Standard under […]