CSE Joins the UN Global Compact Leaders’ Summit Pushing the Envelope of Global Business

July 5, 2010

The United Nations Global Compact hosted its tri-annual Leaders’ Summit in New York, USA on June 24th. Chaired by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the UN Global Compact Leaders’ Summit brought together more than 1,000 selected leaders from all sectors to enhance the role of responsible business and investment.

Contributing to the formation of Sustainability trends worldwide, CSE, represented by Mr. Nick Andrews, Managing Director of CSE in North America was part of the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit discussions that supported the formation of sustainable markets and achievement of societal goals. CSE is proud to be a member of UN Global Compact since 2008 and one of the 1st organizations in its sector to produce a Sustainability Report. CSE publishes its Communication on Progress (CoP) annually in the format of a Sustainability Report, which meets the specifications of international standards. The experience of CSE and the UN Global Compact manifest themselves in all that CSE does, including its highly acclaimed training workshops.

CSE holds a competitive advantage in leading change and driving sustainable development through a unique international network of specialists, offering Integrated Sustainability Services.  As part of these services, the IEMA Accredited Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Workshops have gradually received wide popularity around the globe and act as a stepping-stone for organizations that aspire to progressively implement sustainability into their core operations and tackle issues and challenges of climate change.

CSE’s next Accredited Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Workshops are scheduled to be held in Washington, D.C. (September 14-15, 2010), Brussels (October 21-22 2010) and Dubai (December 12-13 2010).  These workshops are unique 2-day intensive programs offering participants across sectors the skills and competencies required to become Qualified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioners leading to an internationally recognized business qualification from IEMA (Institute for Environmental Management and Assessment).  Similar workshops are held throughout the year in Chicago, Brussels, Athens and Dubai.

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